Morning Has Broken

It was comical that I was thinking that my post yesterday was depressing. I was thinking it was from the Vikings loss on Sunday. Everyone in Minnesota is a bit depressed from that loss. I am not even a big football fan but I watched the game and felt miserable afterwards.

I got home from work Monday night and I turned the news on. Low and behold they were telling the tale that the last Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year!

I had to laugh. I actually stood back and laughed! As if it wasn't the most depressing day of the year already - throw the Vikings loss in the mix! I wonder if New Orleans felt depressed on Monday?

Well today is a much better day. It is cold and windy where I live but it reminds me that I am alive and life is good. My kids' school was 2 hours late and of course that is a big hit at home! Smiling happy faces. Nothing better to see in the morning!

Dear God, Thank You for the start of new days! Amen.