Giving from the Heart

I was watching our local news this morning and there was a couple that are getting married soon. They have $2500 budgeted for the meal at their wedding. They are giving a large portion of that money to the people of Haiti.

I was very impressed with that. If everyone gave selflessly like that - there would be NO world hunger and we would find peace.

We all have places that we can cut back to help others. Even if it isn't monetary, there are things we can do to help. Give of your time and talents to help others as well.

I thank that couple from the bottom of my heart. If I was attending that wedding and the reception had finger foods and a note for each guest telling us that the meal was donated to the Haiti relief fund - I would be honored.

Please start thinking that way. Always be watching for ways that you can help others.

Dear God,
Guide us on the right path to salvation through giving of what we can.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.