
Many of the Gospel readings this week are about healing.

Tuesday: Casting out an unclean spirit from a man. Mark 1:21-28
This is the healing of a soul.

Wednesday: Peter's mother in law is healed and that leads to other sick people finding Jesus to be healed. Mark 1:29-39
This is healing the body.

Thursday: The leper asks Jesus if it be His will to heal him - to please do so. Mark 1:40-45
This is healing by faith.

Friday: Friends of a paralytic man bring him to Jesus to be healed. Mark 2:1-12
This is healing of body and soul by faith.

Jesus heals us in so many different ways. Offer up you pain and sorrow to Jesus and let Him accept them as gifts so that He can ease your sufferings.

Give Jesus your worries - let the burden be lifted from you. There is no need to worry. Worry does no good. Things are what they are. Things will be what they will be. Worrying doesn't change them. Pray - only prayer can change things.

Do not be afraid. Let Jesus into your heart and you will be healed too.