I have found some information on a book that is due out overseas on Wednesday about the late Pope John Paul II called "Why He's a Saint"
You can see information about the book at this link:
View this video also:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/34491563#34491563 about the path to saint hood for 2 popes.
Morning Has Broken
It was comical that I was thinking that my post yesterday was depressing. I was thinking it was from the Vikings loss on Sunday. Everyone in Minnesota is a bit depressed from that loss. I am not even a big football fan but I watched the game and felt miserable afterwards.
I got home from work Monday night and I turned the news on. Low and behold they were telling the tale that the last Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year!
I had to laugh. I actually stood back and laughed! As if it wasn't the most depressing day of the year already - throw the Vikings loss in the mix! I wonder if New Orleans felt depressed on Monday?
Well today is a much better day. It is cold and windy where I live but it reminds me that I am alive and life is good. My kids' school was 2 hours late and of course that is a big hit at home! Smiling happy faces. Nothing better to see in the morning!
Dear God, Thank You for the start of new days! Amen.
I got home from work Monday night and I turned the news on. Low and behold they were telling the tale that the last Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year!
I had to laugh. I actually stood back and laughed! As if it wasn't the most depressing day of the year already - throw the Vikings loss in the mix! I wonder if New Orleans felt depressed on Monday?
Well today is a much better day. It is cold and windy where I live but it reminds me that I am alive and life is good. My kids' school was 2 hours late and of course that is a big hit at home! Smiling happy faces. Nothing better to see in the morning!
Dear God, Thank You for the start of new days! Amen.
Happenings That Bring Forth Great Sadness
The past few weeks have brought about great sadness.
The Haiti earthquake makes us feel helpless. We need to do what ever we can to find peace with these feelings. Pray, send money, go down there if you can.
The death of an infant. There is nothing we can do but pray for the little angel and her family. This makes us feel helpless, but prayer is very strong.
The loss of jobs. We need to keep our hope and faith together as we go through these tough times. Pray for the guidance to see what path God has set up for us and give us the foresight to see that path.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
God, Give us the strength to let you guide us. Lord, Let us let You lead us. Amen.
The Haiti earthquake makes us feel helpless. We need to do what ever we can to find peace with these feelings. Pray, send money, go down there if you can.
The death of an infant. There is nothing we can do but pray for the little angel and her family. This makes us feel helpless, but prayer is very strong.
The loss of jobs. We need to keep our hope and faith together as we go through these tough times. Pray for the guidance to see what path God has set up for us and give us the foresight to see that path.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
God, Give us the strength to let you guide us. Lord, Let us let You lead us. Amen.
Our Lady's January 25, 2010 Message

Our Lady's January 25, 2010 message to the world as provided by the Information Center in Medjugorje.
“Dear children! May this time be a time of personal prayer for you, so that the seed of faith may grow in your hearts; and may it grow into a joyful witness to others. I am with you and I desire to inspire you all: grow and rejoice in the Lord Who has created you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Little Flowers Prayer Books
We have a Little Flowers group in our area. Little Flowers is a girls club that meets once a month and learns about a Saint, a virtue, a flower and a color that represents the virtue or Saint. The Patron Saint of Little Flowers is St. Therese the Little Flower.
Monday night we had a Little Flowers gathering and we did our lesson. Played some fun games that centered on the virtue and then settled in to do our large craft project for the evening.
The girls made prayer books. It is something that my great Aunties (the Nuns) had done one year at Vacation Bible School when they would come to our church to teach. I was older and was a helper. I always remembered making the prayer books.
I had made them in my faith formation classes with my students on occasion and a girl that is seventeen now, told me on Sunday that she still has her prayer book. That meant a lot to me to hear that. It makes me feel like I actually touch the children in a way that they will remember, just like I remembered making them with the Nuns.
We took paper and made a booklet and tied the ends with yarn. We took holy cards and used the picture side for pictures in the booklets and some stickers too. I always feel leery about using prayer cards because the beautiful prayer on the other side is covered. (The Nuns did it, so I am relinquished of my anxiety!) We then put the cut out prayers on with the holy card image. It was beautiful to watch these girls so lovingly put together their booklets. They were so happy with them. I walked around the room and listened to the girls talking about how they wanted them to be special.
Teaching is a wonderful thing for me. It is something that I can give to the church and something that brings me great joy.
It is very easy and the learning process is immense. The teachers manuals tell you everything you need to know. Use your favorite things from the past and you will do just fine.
Think about taking on teaching at your Parish. It will be very rewarding for you.
Monday night we had a Little Flowers gathering and we did our lesson. Played some fun games that centered on the virtue and then settled in to do our large craft project for the evening.
The girls made prayer books. It is something that my great Aunties (the Nuns) had done one year at Vacation Bible School when they would come to our church to teach. I was older and was a helper. I always remembered making the prayer books.
I had made them in my faith formation classes with my students on occasion and a girl that is seventeen now, told me on Sunday that she still has her prayer book. That meant a lot to me to hear that. It makes me feel like I actually touch the children in a way that they will remember, just like I remembered making them with the Nuns.
We took paper and made a booklet and tied the ends with yarn. We took holy cards and used the picture side for pictures in the booklets and some stickers too. I always feel leery about using prayer cards because the beautiful prayer on the other side is covered. (The Nuns did it, so I am relinquished of my anxiety!) We then put the cut out prayers on with the holy card image. It was beautiful to watch these girls so lovingly put together their booklets. They were so happy with them. I walked around the room and listened to the girls talking about how they wanted them to be special.
Teaching is a wonderful thing for me. It is something that I can give to the church and something that brings me great joy.
It is very easy and the learning process is immense. The teachers manuals tell you everything you need to know. Use your favorite things from the past and you will do just fine.
Think about taking on teaching at your Parish. It will be very rewarding for you.
Giving from the Heart
I was watching our local news this morning and there was a couple that are getting married soon. They have $2500 budgeted for the meal at their wedding. They are giving a large portion of that money to the people of Haiti.
I was very impressed with that. If everyone gave selflessly like that - there would be NO world hunger and we would find peace.
We all have places that we can cut back to help others. Even if it isn't monetary, there are things we can do to help. Give of your time and talents to help others as well.
I thank that couple from the bottom of my heart. If I was attending that wedding and the reception had finger foods and a note for each guest telling us that the meal was donated to the Haiti relief fund - I would be honored.
Please start thinking that way. Always be watching for ways that you can help others.
Dear God,
Guide us on the right path to salvation through giving of what we can.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I was very impressed with that. If everyone gave selflessly like that - there would be NO world hunger and we would find peace.
We all have places that we can cut back to help others. Even if it isn't monetary, there are things we can do to help. Give of your time and talents to help others as well.
I thank that couple from the bottom of my heart. If I was attending that wedding and the reception had finger foods and a note for each guest telling us that the meal was donated to the Haiti relief fund - I would be honored.
Please start thinking that way. Always be watching for ways that you can help others.
Dear God,
Guide us on the right path to salvation through giving of what we can.
I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Trees Covered with Frost
This morning when I got up I looked outside to see the trees covered in the most beautiful frost. It has been covered this way for a few days, but this morning it hit me with an unusual heavenlyness.
As I walked outside I thought about how fortunate I am to live in Minnesota to see the changes in seasons. Even more so, to see the changes in winter. A couple weeks ago it was sub zero weather and this week it is hovering around freezing. Sub Zero gives the crunch of snow while temps around 30 give the beautiful frosty effect.
Changes are good. Changes happen everyday. Some are big, some are small. Some are major, some are minor. Some are critical and some are insignificant.
We are conceived and from that moment on, we are dieing. We are growing, but ultimately, we are dieing so that we can be new again with our Lord.
I sometimes think about the infinitness of time. Think about that for just a moment. Eternity. When you think about eternity 2, 20, 40, or even 80 years are all minuscule.
Be at peace with your time. Look to every moment as a gift.
Once again, one of my favorite songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNopQq5lWqQ
Loss of a Child

I have said so many times that there is always someone else who's problems are bigger than yours.
My husband and I are about to lose our business due to the economy not moving. We have a metal fabrication business and produced glass handling pallets for a glass company. We were affected as soon as the housing market took the tumble. We probably could have pulled through except we built a new facility that was going up as the market came down.
I wonder why it all came together for us only to have it taken away. Both of us losing our jobs and 2 of our sons and our other employees, makes me sometimes worry. I try not to worry because I know it doesn't help. I pray a lot about it.
Then the Haiti disaster and I know we will be fine. Our loss seams so small in comparison.
Now the death of a friends granddaughter.
The pain that the family is going through, I can't even imagine. She wasn't even two.
The loss of a child - to me - would be the ultimate pain. God knows this pain too.
God has a plan. We don't understand but we must have faith.
Dear God, Guide us through hard times and suffering. Give us the strength to keep faith in You. Amen
Video of Haiti Disaster
I came across this youtube video and wanted to share it with you.
It is very graphic and there were many others more graphic, but his one is well put together.
Please pray for the people in Haiti.
Dear God,
Please watch over Haiti.
Send Your grace to everyone there and give them strength to withstand the loss and pain.
Guide all of us to give in any way possible.
We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen
It is very graphic and there were many others more graphic, but his one is well put together.
Please pray for the people in Haiti.
Dear God,
Please watch over Haiti.
Send Your grace to everyone there and give them strength to withstand the loss and pain.
Guide all of us to give in any way possible.
We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen
The Nun Study and Stories of the Past
Last week I wrote about my Great Aunt - Sister Nicolette Welter. She was a sister of my Grandmother. Sr. Nicolette died at the age of 102 years.
I want to share an article about the Nun Study that Dr. Snowdon continues to do on Alzheimer research.
I have 4 Great Aunts that were Nuns and all of them are in the study.
You will see Sister Nicolette Welter, Sister Mary Ursela Welter, Sister Stella Welter and Sister Claverine Welter all mentioned in the article.
I want to share a couple wonderful stories about them too.
These are stories that they told me, some of which my grandmother had shared parts of also.
They also had one other sister who died at the age of 100 (never married) and 4 brothers that died much younger. (The 11th sibling - a girl, mentioned in the article - well, that is a story for another time. A story that deserves a spot all to itself.)
Anyway, back to this story.....
I was visiting them at Mankato one day and we were talking to Sr. Mary Ursela. Ursela is the one that did develop Alzheimer symptoms. Sisters Claverine and Nicolette were always coaxing Sister Mary Ursela to remember things. (Sister Stella at this time had already passed away. Stella had a stroke and suffered for a few years before dieing, but died gracefully.)
Sister Mary Ursela was always my favorite as a child. She was always mild and gentle, much like Nicolette. Claverine and Stella could give you the evil eye and you immediately knew to shape up! Much to my surprise as I grew older, this was just a tactic of wonderful teachers to keep students in line. They were not the evil nuns I thought they were!
The coaxing paid off the day I was visiting. Sister Mary Ursela was remembering her childhood vividly. It was wonderful to listen to her quiet voice talk about the apple orchard. She was telling us about a time she went in and was picking apples and eating them after her father had told her not to. She remembered how angry he was. They had a store in New Market and their father was a prominent figure in the town with the Post Office there as well.
She talked about daddy being very angry at her and disciplining her, but conveyed the deep love and tender punishment.
My Grandmother had told me a few stories as well about her childhood. One of my favorites was when Grandma went out to the barn and found toys in the carriage for Christmas. She went and got the other children and showed them. Her father told the children that St. Nic had left them there for a quick and easy delivery on Christmas morning.
Much to my Grandma's surprise, the other children all had toys under the tree - except for her. She got nothing that year. There was never a word spoken, just a gentle punishment that she understood.
She also told me a story about when her Father went to California on business. It was at the time of the gold rush. He brought her back a gold coin the was stamped. It was rather like a heated up piece with a stamped impression on it. She showed it to me once. They were all very happy with their family and up bringing. They were raised in a good Catholic home and adored their parents.
Grandma also told me about when she was a child and had appendicitis. They did surgery on her to find her appendix had burst inside of a tumor.
She also told me of a story of the ship ride coming to America of her Father. He was a young boy and got very sick on the trip. They all thought he died. He was wrapped up to be thrown overboard for a burial at sea and he wiggled! Thanks to God for that wiggle and thanks for Grandma's tumor!
They all had pictures of their parents always in viewing distance.
Thank you God for giving me the time to spend with and know my family. I will always treasure tender memories.
I want to share an article about the Nun Study that Dr. Snowdon continues to do on Alzheimer research.
I have 4 Great Aunts that were Nuns and all of them are in the study.
You will see Sister Nicolette Welter, Sister Mary Ursela Welter, Sister Stella Welter and Sister Claverine Welter all mentioned in the article.
I want to share a couple wonderful stories about them too.
These are stories that they told me, some of which my grandmother had shared parts of also.
They also had one other sister who died at the age of 100 (never married) and 4 brothers that died much younger. (The 11th sibling - a girl, mentioned in the article - well, that is a story for another time. A story that deserves a spot all to itself.)
Anyway, back to this story.....
I was visiting them at Mankato one day and we were talking to Sr. Mary Ursela. Ursela is the one that did develop Alzheimer symptoms. Sisters Claverine and Nicolette were always coaxing Sister Mary Ursela to remember things. (Sister Stella at this time had already passed away. Stella had a stroke and suffered for a few years before dieing, but died gracefully.)
Sister Mary Ursela was always my favorite as a child. She was always mild and gentle, much like Nicolette. Claverine and Stella could give you the evil eye and you immediately knew to shape up! Much to my surprise as I grew older, this was just a tactic of wonderful teachers to keep students in line. They were not the evil nuns I thought they were!
The coaxing paid off the day I was visiting. Sister Mary Ursela was remembering her childhood vividly. It was wonderful to listen to her quiet voice talk about the apple orchard. She was telling us about a time she went in and was picking apples and eating them after her father had told her not to. She remembered how angry he was. They had a store in New Market and their father was a prominent figure in the town with the Post Office there as well.
She talked about daddy being very angry at her and disciplining her, but conveyed the deep love and tender punishment.
My Grandmother had told me a few stories as well about her childhood. One of my favorites was when Grandma went out to the barn and found toys in the carriage for Christmas. She went and got the other children and showed them. Her father told the children that St. Nic had left them there for a quick and easy delivery on Christmas morning.
Much to my Grandma's surprise, the other children all had toys under the tree - except for her. She got nothing that year. There was never a word spoken, just a gentle punishment that she understood.
She also told me a story about when her Father went to California on business. It was at the time of the gold rush. He brought her back a gold coin the was stamped. It was rather like a heated up piece with a stamped impression on it. She showed it to me once. They were all very happy with their family and up bringing. They were raised in a good Catholic home and adored their parents.
Grandma also told me about when she was a child and had appendicitis. They did surgery on her to find her appendix had burst inside of a tumor.
She also told me of a story of the ship ride coming to America of her Father. He was a young boy and got very sick on the trip. They all thought he died. He was wrapped up to be thrown overboard for a burial at sea and he wiggled! Thanks to God for that wiggle and thanks for Grandma's tumor!
They all had pictures of their parents always in viewing distance.
Thank you God for giving me the time to spend with and know my family. I will always treasure tender memories.
Haitian Pact with the Devil
I am very saddened to hear that Pat Robertson is blaming the Haiti earthquake on an urban legend about the country of Haiti. Blaming a pact with the devil is not something to say to the Haitian population right now. They need to have their faith in God renewed, not destroyed and degraded.
View the link:
Here is an exert from an article by Jean R. Gelin, PhD from 10/2005:
"For quite some time now, several articles on the Internet have mentioned the existence of an iron pig statue in Port-au-Prince as a monument to commemorate Haiti’s so-called pact with the devil through Vodou. The statue would be in remembrance of a pig that was killed during the gathering by the African slaves.'
'In an effort to know more about that rumor, I contacted several authors about the exact location of the pig statue that’s incidentally nowhere to be found in the country. Their answer was complete silence, a simple apology, or just the removal of the reference from their texts.
One writer was grateful to me for pointing out the inaccuracy of her article, and she made the necessary adjustment. But I am sure that the same allusion can be found somewhere in other published pieces of writing and documents. The worst part of the whole picture is that the story is believed by many sincere Christians in America and around the world; and not only do they believe it, they also spread it as fact. The tragedy of our age is that repeated lies are often mistaken for the truth, especially when repeated long enough. That’s particularly the case in religious circles where faith on the part of the audience is generally expected, but that should never be so for those who believe in the Bible.
Maybe, believers need to return to biblical texts like 1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Test everything. Hold on to the good”.
It’s hard to know where the idea of a divine curse on Haiti following the purported satanic pact actually originated, whether from foreign missionaries or from local church leaders. In his book Ripe Now - A Haitian congregation responds to the Great Commission4, Haitian pastor Frantz Lacombe identified a ‘dependence mentality’ in the leadership of the Haitian church, which resulted from the way the Christian faith was brought to the country, historically and through various denominations. Apparently, this unfortunate manner of thinking, which tends to emulate the worldview and culture of North American and European Christian missionaries, has permeated the general philosophy of the Haitian church on many levels, including church planting, church management, music and even missionary activities.
In that context, I would not be surprised if the satanic pact idea (followed by the divine curse message) was put together first by foreign missionaries and later on picked up by local leaders. On the other hand, it is equally possible that some Haitian church leaders developed the idea on their own using a theological framework borrowed from those same missionaries who subsequently propagated the message around the world. Either way, because of this message, Haiti has been portrayed as the country born out of Satan’s benevolence and goodwill toward mankind. "
We need to help the country of Haiti - not blame what has happened on a pact with the devil. (Even if it was!) One good thing by this statement is that it reminds people that Satan exists and by believing in him - I know people will believe in God.
View the link:
Here is an exert from an article by Jean R. Gelin, PhD from 10/2005:
"For quite some time now, several articles on the Internet have mentioned the existence of an iron pig statue in Port-au-Prince as a monument to commemorate Haiti’s so-called pact with the devil through Vodou. The statue would be in remembrance of a pig that was killed during the gathering by the African slaves.'
'In an effort to know more about that rumor, I contacted several authors about the exact location of the pig statue that’s incidentally nowhere to be found in the country. Their answer was complete silence, a simple apology, or just the removal of the reference from their texts.
One writer was grateful to me for pointing out the inaccuracy of her article, and she made the necessary adjustment. But I am sure that the same allusion can be found somewhere in other published pieces of writing and documents. The worst part of the whole picture is that the story is believed by many sincere Christians in America and around the world; and not only do they believe it, they also spread it as fact. The tragedy of our age is that repeated lies are often mistaken for the truth, especially when repeated long enough. That’s particularly the case in religious circles where faith on the part of the audience is generally expected, but that should never be so for those who believe in the Bible.
Maybe, believers need to return to biblical texts like 1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Test everything. Hold on to the good”.
It’s hard to know where the idea of a divine curse on Haiti following the purported satanic pact actually originated, whether from foreign missionaries or from local church leaders. In his book Ripe Now - A Haitian congregation responds to the Great Commission4, Haitian pastor Frantz Lacombe identified a ‘dependence mentality’ in the leadership of the Haitian church, which resulted from the way the Christian faith was brought to the country, historically and through various denominations. Apparently, this unfortunate manner of thinking, which tends to emulate the worldview and culture of North American and European Christian missionaries, has permeated the general philosophy of the Haitian church on many levels, including church planting, church management, music and even missionary activities.
In that context, I would not be surprised if the satanic pact idea (followed by the divine curse message) was put together first by foreign missionaries and later on picked up by local leaders. On the other hand, it is equally possible that some Haitian church leaders developed the idea on their own using a theological framework borrowed from those same missionaries who subsequently propagated the message around the world. Either way, because of this message, Haiti has been portrayed as the country born out of Satan’s benevolence and goodwill toward mankind. "
We need to help the country of Haiti - not blame what has happened on a pact with the devil. (Even if it was!) One good thing by this statement is that it reminds people that Satan exists and by believing in him - I know people will believe in God.
Mary's January 2nd Message
January 02, 2010 Message to Mirjana (Medjugorje Messages)
"Dear children,
Today I am calling you to, with complete trust and love, set out with me, because I desire to acquaint you with my Son. Do not be afraid, my children, I am here with you, I am next to you. I am showing you the way to forgive yourselves, to forgive others, and, with sincere repentance of heart, to kneel before the Father. Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving - that you may be with Him and in Him. Decide for a new beginning, a beginning of sincere love of God Himself.
Thank you."
"Dear children,
Today I am calling you to, with complete trust and love, set out with me, because I desire to acquaint you with my Son. Do not be afraid, my children, I am here with you, I am next to you. I am showing you the way to forgive yourselves, to forgive others, and, with sincere repentance of heart, to kneel before the Father. Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving - that you may be with Him and in Him. Decide for a new beginning, a beginning of sincere love of God Himself.
Thank you."
Many of the Gospel readings this week are about healing.
Tuesday: Casting out an unclean spirit from a man. Mark 1:21-28
This is the healing of a soul.
Wednesday: Peter's mother in law is healed and that leads to other sick people finding Jesus to be healed. Mark 1:29-39
This is healing the body.
Thursday: The leper asks Jesus if it be His will to heal him - to please do so. Mark 1:40-45
This is healing by faith.
Friday: Friends of a paralytic man bring him to Jesus to be healed. Mark 2:1-12
This is healing of body and soul by faith.
Jesus heals us in so many different ways. Offer up you pain and sorrow to Jesus and let Him accept them as gifts so that He can ease your sufferings.
Give Jesus your worries - let the burden be lifted from you. There is no need to worry. Worry does no good. Things are what they are. Things will be what they will be. Worrying doesn't change them. Pray - only prayer can change things.
Do not be afraid. Let Jesus into your heart and you will be healed too.
Tuesday: Casting out an unclean spirit from a man. Mark 1:21-28
This is the healing of a soul.
Wednesday: Peter's mother in law is healed and that leads to other sick people finding Jesus to be healed. Mark 1:29-39
This is healing the body.
Thursday: The leper asks Jesus if it be His will to heal him - to please do so. Mark 1:40-45
This is healing by faith.
Friday: Friends of a paralytic man bring him to Jesus to be healed. Mark 2:1-12
This is healing of body and soul by faith.
Jesus heals us in so many different ways. Offer up you pain and sorrow to Jesus and let Him accept them as gifts so that He can ease your sufferings.
Give Jesus your worries - let the burden be lifted from you. There is no need to worry. Worry does no good. Things are what they are. Things will be what they will be. Worrying doesn't change them. Pray - only prayer can change things.
Do not be afraid. Let Jesus into your heart and you will be healed too.
Devestating Haiti Earthquake

"Haiti’s capital, Port au Prince, was devastated by the earthquake, which measured 7.0 on the Richter scale. Thousands of people are feared dead, hundreds of buildings destroyed, and as many as 3 million people in need of emergency relief. Haiti is the most impoverished country in the Western hemisphere, and the slum outside Port au Prince, Citi Soleil, is home to tens of thousands of people already living in dire poverty. "
from ewtn.com news (to read more click on the title link)
Here is another link:
(photo from cnn website)
from ewtn.com news (to read more click on the title link)
Here is another link:
(photo from cnn website)
Haiti was devastated by an earthquake that rocked the area causing destruction. Loss of life and lifestyles is immeasurable.
This disaster affected the rich and the poor in the same manner - no prejudices.
This natural disaster has taken the life and homes of the young, the old, the rich and the poor.
We need to do everything in our power to help these people.
No matter how desolate you and I may feel at times - there is always someone that has it worse - right now I will take my problems and be thankful for them.
I am challenging everyone to give up something that you do or use and send the money to relieve these suffering people.
Give up your nails this month, give up your eyebrow waxing, give up your hair coloring. Give up that new outfit.
Give up that lunch buffet and eat a can of soup. Give up the new running shoes. Give up the fancy cup of coffee and brew it yourself.
Whatever it may be, we all indulge ourselves - no matter how small the amount of money - it will help the people in Haiti right now.
These people are suffering gravely. The only thing they have right now is the hope that there will be help and faith in God. Let God use you in a very special way and get relief to His people.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
I have highlighted 4 lines in this prayer..... these are very important right now to the people in need and us - for giving!
Dear God,
Give the people in Haiti the strength to keep faith and the hope to believe that help is coming.
For the people who died in this tragedy, Dear Lord, lead them to Your loving arms. We ask that their souls be granted eternal peace.
For the people who are hurt or who have lost a loved one, give them Your love and if it be your will - heal them, let them be found or let them find the ones they love.
Please enlighten all of us that are able, to help the needy now and always.
Death of a Great Woman - Sister Nicolette Welter
I am on vacation since January 3rd and on the first day of my vacation a very wonderful person died. Unfortunately I am too far away to return for her funeral and I would very much like to celebrate her life so I will do it here.
Sister Nicolette was my grandmothers sister. I was very close to my grandmother and very close to her sisters as well because of it.
Sister Nicolette Welter was a wonderful teacher and had great faith. Please click on the link above to learn more about her life.
Please say a prayer for her.
Dear God, Welcome Sister Nicolette to her loving home. She was a good servant for you. She taught many of us through her loving faith. Bless her and let her know how much I loved her.
Sister Nicolette was my grandmothers sister. I was very close to my grandmother and very close to her sisters as well because of it.
Sister Nicolette Welter was a wonderful teacher and had great faith. Please click on the link above to learn more about her life.
Please say a prayer for her.
Dear God, Welcome Sister Nicolette to her loving home. She was a good servant for you. She taught many of us through her loving faith. Bless her and let her know how much I loved her.
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