Slow Down and Look at Jesus

Christmas is almost here. The long wait is coming to an end. Next week this time, we will be thinking of the New Year and many will forget about the reason we had the wait in the first place.

Christmas doesn't start until Christmas Day. Then the Christmas Season is in full swing. Unfortunately, that is when it ends for many people. They are in a hurry to rush Christmas back into storage until next year.

That is that saddest thing to see. The Christmas music stops on Christmas Day. The stores rush to get rid of anything remotely involved with Christmas.

Rush, rush, rush. If we would only slow down a bit and enjoy the season, we would see that it is just getting started. Right now so many people are rushing to get done with the shopping and rushing to get done with the wrapping and cleaning and packing and ............

We need to sit back and look at Jesus. Our priest told us to go before a nativity and look at Jesus. Pick him up and hold him. Really look and think about his toes wiggling and his voice as he cries. Think about the humanity of this God Child.

I have a beautiful old statue of the infant Jesus in a manger. He is quite large and was part of a large church nativity that was refurbished by the Nuns at Mankato on Good Council Hill. I was fortunate to be there as He was finished and was able to purchase Him.

He is in the center of our living room on a table by Himself. I put gold tinsel under His body and a gold ring around His head. I shouldn't put him out until Christmas Day, but I always put Him out early. He is the last thing to be put away after the Baptism. He is the center of our festivities so that everyone can enjoy Him.

Take some time to slow down and look at Jesus and find true peace.