The Season of Giving

In this season of Advent and soon to be Christmas, it is the time of giving.

Give something that doesn't involve money. Give the gift of yourself.

Lend someone your ear. Listen to what is going on in their life and see if you can do anything to help ~ or just be a listening ear.

A kind word, a helping hand, a listening ear, these are all things that come from the heart.

Look around at home, school or work or where ever you may be. There is always someone in need.

My daughter is giving my mother the gift of taking her shopping. She is taking her to get most of her needs for Christmas and then helping her with the wrapping. That is the gift that my daughter is giving her Grandmother for Christmas.

It can be something as simple as a smile to someone on the street. You can change someones life with a kind smile or gentle words.

Take some time - slow down - see the little things that can make a big difference.

Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the time, talents and treasures to be of help to others. Amen.