Joy, Peace and Hope

The Third Sunday of Advent has arrived. Today we light the rose candle in our wreath.

We are joyful for the coming of our Savior and we are joyfully awaiting the second coming of Christ.

This past week we had an experience with a neighbor that was very horrific and eye opening. We never know when our time will come to be taken.

Our neighbor was a very healthy, slim man. He was blowing snow after our big snow storm on Thursday morning and collapsed. My husband just happened to be coming home within minutes of him falling to the ground and saw his wife kneeling over him. He went and started chest compressions, which his wife was already doing, as they waited for help to arrive.

He passed away - and the efforts of numerous people and even the helicopter attendants proved useless.

This was the time that our Lord was calling him home.

This week of Advent that represents joy, will be sorrowful to his family, but they know that there is great joy with him being with God.

Joy because our Lord, Jesus Christ, was born to a humble Virgin and allowed himself to be crucified for us, for our sins, for the sins of all of us.

He will raise us up on eagle's wings....

"O Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of Thy visitation. Who livest and reignest forever". Amen.