One Day at a Time

Having people in my family that have addictions and working in a treatment facility, "one day at a time" always meant taking the circumstances in life in stride to keep straight.

"One day at a time" has new meaning to me now. I need this in my life so much right now and it has nothing to do with addiction for me but just for hope.

We can't go back to days past and we can't change things, we need to look forward and focus on the present and pray and hope for the best.

"One day at a time sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from you. Show me the way to do every day what I have to do. Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine."

I found myself singing that song on my way home today and I hadn't heard it in years - the radio was off and I was singing away!

God sends us things we need and I needed that song today ~
Thank you God.