May - For Mother Mary

May is the month to honor mothers and especially our Mother Mary. Our Little Flowers group has a May crowning of Mary celebration and the following information is the program that we have used in the past.

During May, the Catholic Church traditionally honors Mary in a special way. For centuries, Mary has been a powerful presence in our Church and has inspired generations of believers.

Honoring Mary
Mary was a young Jewish woman who lived in Nazareth in what is now Israel. The early traditions of the Christian community named Mary’s parents Anne and Joachim. Because of Mary’s faithfulness as a Jewish woman, we can imagine that her parents were also devout Jews and raised their daughter in accordance with their faith. Their tender care and devotion helped Mary to grow into the confident, yet humble young woman who would say yes to God.

Because of the time and area in which Mary lived, we can make some pretty good guesses about what her life was like. Mary was probably a peasant. Life in a rural village of the Middle East such as Nazareth would have been filled with hard work.

During this time period, Mary’s homeland was occupied by the Romans. It was a difficult life under Roman rule, filled with violence and poverty. The Jews looked for a Messiah who would liberate them from the oppressive rule of Caesar. Mary notes the injustice of the world around her in her Magnificat when she recalls God’s promise to “[throw] down the rulers from their
thrones, but [lift] up the lowly.” (Luke 1:46–55)

Mary would have been about 15 years old when she received God’s message that she was to be the mother of the Messiah. She said yes to God and became pregnant with God’s Son. This posed quite a problem in Mary’s society. Because she was unmarried, she could have been killed as an

Mary’s complete trust in God, her faithfulness, and her acceptance of God’s plan are beautiful examples of how we are to respond to God’s word to each one of us. Jesus, help us to say yes to you.

An angel told Joseph that his betrothed Mary was pregnant with a child conceived through the Holy Spirit. Joseph listened to God’s messenger and did not leave Mary or shame her. Instead he married Mary and protected her.

Though Mary’s life is about to change dramatically, she still takes the time to celebrate with and help her dear friend Elizabeth. Jesus, help us to be as loving and generous as Mary is.

In the last month of her pregnancy, Mary and Joseph had to make a long and difficult journey to Bethlehem.

Mary and Joseph supported each other on this difficult journey and trusted in God that all would be well. Jesus, help us to support each other as a family even when things are tough.

Jesus is born.

The good news of the Savior’s birth was announced to humble shepherds and respected wise men alike. Jesus, thank you for coming to live among us and for teaching us that you came to
redeem all people and all of creation.

After Jesus was born, they became refugees, escaping to Egypt to protect Jesus from Herod’s soldiers. They lived as refugees for a while until it was safe to return to their homeland and settle in Nazareth.

Mary and Joseph became refugees so that they could protect their son. Jesus, thank you for all the parents and people who sacrifice to protect and provide for us.

In this setting, Mary and Joseph raised Jesus to be a faithful Jew, aware of the injustices in the world, but believing in God’s justice, mercy, and love—believing that there is another way.

By doing so, they changed the world.

Adapted from ’Intergenerational Event—Mary Story Book’ Loyola Press

The May Crowning of Mary marks a new spiritual season.
Our Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, lifts us out of the last long cold days of winter.
Mary firmly plants our hearts in the warm and promising soil of spring.
We will forever be grateful to Mary for bringing us her Son.
The maternal nurturing of our heavenly Mother is always with us.
May Crowning of Mary is the Catholic version of Mothers Day.
It is Mary's feminine presence and the safety of her motherhood that helps us grow.
Our hearts are full of love for our Mother in Heaven.
Mary brings us toward Jesus, for Jesus and with Jesus.
Through Mary Jesus was brought to us.
Mary was delivered up like an innocent, perfect spring flower to lighten our spirits, complete our senses, and bring the aroma of heaven to our world.
Mary welcomes our hearts into the eternal mystery of spring and growing things.
For these and other reasons, we honor Mary with a crown of flowers.

Thank you Mary for always being our Heavenly Mother.

Adapted from 'May Crowning, A Reflection on a Marian Celebration' - by Liz Kelly