Shroud of Turin Exibit Opens Today

The Shroud of Turin opens for viewing today, April 10th in Turin, Italy. It hasn't been displayed for 10 years and has gone through a restoration, removing the patches that were applied after it had been in a fire.

The Shroud is presumed to be the burial cloth of Jesus. The cloth that the Apostles "seen and believed" - that was laying in the tomb of Christ and that all they had to do was see it to know that Jesus had risen from the dead.

There has been research after research on the Shroud of Turin. Most notably the carbon dating test that was done in the 80's.

There has been pollen found on the linen that is only from Jerusalem.

The photographic negative image and now the 3D image restoration.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of the Shroud as long as it brings a strong devotion to Jesus.

There are many paintings, statues and crucifixions that depict our Lord and we look on them to remind us of what Jesus did for us.

The image of our Lady of Guadalupe on the tilma is another magnificent image that is on display of the Virgin Mother.

These images are to be looked upon as a gift from God. Whether you believe them to be of this earth or super natural, look upon them as ways to venerate our Lord and the Virgin Mary.

Do your own research as I have, you will be amazed at the information you learn about both of these Holy Relics.