A Simpler Life

Where have peoples morals gone? I don't understand how people can have such differing views and opinions.

Someone told me to watch a movie that they thought was funny. It was not funny to me - it was morally offencive and very sexually explicit and it was a waste of time and money. I did not watch the whole movie.

Even movies that I think are funny usually have improper parts and connotations in them.

These types of things are being viewed by everyone and being seen as Okay. It isn't Okay.

I watched a commercial for a casino, of a young man proposing to a young woman in a hotel room of that casino. It is in the morning and she is in a bath robe and they are getting ready to eat breakfast. Obviously they spent the night in the hotel together. We don't need our children to think this is Okay. They problably look at it as the norm, and not unusual at all- and don't even notice what I noticed.

When we were kids, Ricky and Lucy didn't even sleep in the same bed - even though we knew our parents did. Why can't we get back to mystery instead of accelerating everything to extremes.

I miss a simpler time, I miss a simpler way. I bet God misses it too! We need to stand for change! Try not to let children see these things. It numbs them to the sacrament of marriage, that is why the divorce rate is high. The numbness that is felt about marriage. The nothingness that is displayed toward a relationship.

We need to protect our children and grandchildren, no matter how hard that may be. We need to get back to a simpler life.

Dear God,
Forgive us for our numbness to life. Amen.