I Need a Time Out

Lately I have gotten so busy with life that I have left little room for God. I haven't had this feeling for a very long time and I don't like it.

I have been trying to resurrect a business, start a new business and have a daughter graduating this week. I am a bit overwhelmed and I noticed that instead of turning toward God for help, I have been trying to wing it on my own. I didn't realize this until the last couple days.

It doesn't work to try to do so many things and leave God out of the picture. It wasn't intentional, it just happened. I was very upset yesterday and got into an argument with my husband, shortly after that is when I realized that I have been shutting God out.

Why does it get easy to close that door? I haven't been teaching the last couple weeks because classes are over for the summer. When I teach it grounds me and I look God in the face. I haven't had time, so I thought, to meditate and read the way I like to.

I need to stop what I am doing during the busy day and allow God into the tasks. Something else has been making its way into my routine lately and it is not a bright light but rather a dull and dingy aura.

Dear God, Thank you for the many Blessings You have given me and for always being there when I want to see You.