The official English translation of Our Lady's February 25, 2012 message given to Marija as provided by the Information Center in Medjugorje.
The Medjugorje Web
February 25, 2012 Medjugorje message to Marija.
“Dear children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life for you. I encourage and love you, so that in God you may find your peace and the joy of living. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Making Prayer Booklets

We found images and prayers and printed them and cut them out for the children.
We also used holy cards with pictures that were appropriate for each prayer.
Take paper and put as many pages together as you want to use for your prayer booklet.
Stack them as you would be putting them into your printer - then fold the stack in half.
On fold side, puch 3 holes so that yarn can be put in the holes and tied to hold the booklet together.
Have the children add the prayers and holy cards to the booklet with glue, glue dots or tape stips.
Make a "name" plate for the front and have them add that as well.
Great project for Vacation Bible School or Faith Formation class.
Our Lady's February 2, 2012 Medjugorje Message Given to Marjana
Our Lady's February 2, 2012 Medjugorje message given to Marjana.
Medjugorje Web
February 02, 2012 Message to Mirjana
"Dear children; I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God’s presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him - and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you. Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen - those are your shepherds."
Medjugorje Web
February 02, 2012 Message to Mirjana
"Dear children; I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God’s presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him - and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you. Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen - those are your shepherds."
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